Monday, April 20, 2009

4-H Host Families Needed for International Delegates

There are a number of inbound delegates headed to the U.S.A. this summer for various 4-H exchange programs. Please consider opening your home to these young people (and a few adults). They live the life that you do--there does not have to be a lot of extra activities nor extra costs. I have hosted two IFYE's (from Germany and Switzerland) and the experience has been great!

Please email me for a complete listing of the available delegates. Here are a few more details:
  • Delegates from Finland arrive July 12 and stay for one month.
  • Greek and Austrian delegates each need two host families for three weeks each.
  • A third group of young ladies will arrive September 19th and visit for three months, so they need several homes around the state for 2-4 weeks each.

This year's delegation looks to be very exciting. Several come from farm families, some want to ride horses or go fishing or visit a city, and others have already hosted international delegates in their own homes. Wouldn't it be neat to host this year and then have your children travel abroad in future years?

The possibilities are endless! Please consider hosting a 4-H exchange delegate! Contact for more info.