Thursday, May 7, 2009

Host Families Needed for Exchange Students

Host families are needed for 4-H IFYE Exchange students this summer and fall. Hosting periods are for as little as one week or as many as six weeks--you decide!!! IFYE's are young adults ages 19-26 and hail from countries in Europe. There is no cost to the host family, other than providing room and board. IFYE's bring their own spending money. They live with your family and complete chores and activities alongside your family; host families do NOT need to provide special or extravagant activities for the exchanges.

I have hosted two IFYE's--one from Switzerland and one from Germany--and both were very positive experiences. Please consider opening your home to these young people. You will learn a lot about other countries and cultures and make friends that will last a lifetime. Contact the Extension Office for more details about the delegates coming to Virginia this year!!!