Friday, June 12, 2009

Farm Safety Day Message Presented to More than 200

Even under stormy conditions, Wednesday's Farm Safety Day was a success! The nice facilities at McConnell Angus in Somerset allowed the event to continue safely, even as the weather raged outside. More than 215 participants attended the event, which featured four farm safety stations: Human Health and Safety, Machinery and Pinch Points, Livestock Handling, and Chainsaws, Weedeaters, and Mowers. The beginnings of a rollover demonstration started, and the Orange Firec Company was on hand to assist, but the storms prevented this portion of the event. Guest speaker Arthur Mitchell shared his harrowing tale of being caught in a corn picker many years ago, and the challenges, surgeries, and therapy sessions that have ensued, not to mention the expenses. Mitchell showed attendees both prostethic legs and encouraged participants to slow down on the farm, and take time to be safe.
The event was planned by a committee of Extension professionals, 4-H volunteers, and local and state Farm Bureau directors and professionals. Sponsors included Ridgeview New Holland, Central Virginia Cattleman Association, Orange Farm Bureau, Farm Credit of the Virginias, and Orange-Madison Coop.