Wednesday, March 10, 2010

4-H Congress Information Has Been Released

Senior 4-H'ers (ages 14-18 as of 9/30/10) are encouraged to attend State 4-H Congress, June 14-17 at Virginia Tech! Information is now available and registrations are open. Please contact the Extension Office for a packet.

Congress is for teens only; we will need at least one adult chaperone from Orange (possibly more depending on numbers). You live in the college dorms, attend cool hands-on workshops, have a career fair, observe the All Star tapping ceremony, and much more. There are dances in the evenings, midnight pizza, and very entertaining and informative keynote and capnote speakers.

Congress is a lot of fun! Also consider running for a Cabinet position and be part of the leadership team that plans next year's Congress! See Kaci for more details.