Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is a week-long 4-H citizenship program for youth ages 14-19. Thousands of young people from across America stay at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center, near Washington, D.C., every summer to participate in the program, which provides opportunities for young people to:
• Strengthen their communication, leadership, and citizenship skills on a national level.
• Understand the importance of civic and social responsibilities as they relate to the development of better citizens and leaders.
• Exchange ideas, practice respect, and form friendships with other 4-Hers from across the country with diverse backgrounds.
• Experience hands-on learning using the historical classroom of our nation’s Capital city, Washington, D.C.
This summer, there are almost 1500 young people participating in the CWF program. Follow #4HCWF on Twitter to see up to the minute postings about what CWF 2010 is up to right now and visit the CWF website (www.4hcwf.org) to learn more about the CWF program. You can view videos under the media tab, read testimonials under the testimonial tab, or take a look at the CWF schedule under the registration tab. For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions.
Registration for CWF 2011 is now open! This is a once in a lifetime experience that allows young people to see the world from a new perspective. 4-Hers, don’t miss out on this national citizenship and leadership opportunity. All you need to do is gather a group of 5 or more participants (including both youth and chaperones), visit the Citizenship Washington Focus website (www.4hcwf.org) and click on the registration tab to follow the steps to register your delegation. Leaders, we are excited to host you and your young people in Washington, D.C. next summer!