Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Orange Congress Delegates Score Well at State 4-H Congress

While this is a busy week with camp, we also have 4-H'ers in Blacksburg for the annual State 4-H Congress. Our hats are off to chaperone Missy Chambers for her willing leadership and volunteerism--these kids would not have been able to attend without her. All of our delegates competed yesterday and were successful. Brianna Holmes is performing with her step dancing group tonight and was awarded a red ribbon in Share-the-Fun vocal competition yesterday. Garret Chambers earned a blue ribbon for playing his guitar and singing, and Haley Wilbanks and Megan Harris both earned blue ribbons in the public speaking division.

Amelia Harris, Ashleigh Ramey and Garret Chambers were officially inducted as Virginia 4-H All Stars last evening. All Stars is the highest honor a 4-H'er can receive, so congratulations, and know that we are PROUD of you!!!