Sunday, April 10, 2011

Members Win at Two Separate 4-H Contests

Delaney O'Donnell and Stella Bradford had great accomplishments in 4-H this weekend.  Delaney, a member of the Bit N' Bridle Club, competed in the state Equismartz weekend for horse project members.  She was in presentations, hippology and horse judging contests and she made it onto the state horse judging team.  This means she will represent Virginia 4-H in various contests around the country later this fall.  Way to go, Delaney!

A number of Livestock Club members exhibited at the Glenwood Park Livestock Show in Leesburg on Saturday, and Stella Bradford's heifer named Diamond was named Champion Commercial Heifer and Reserve Grand Champion of show.  Congratulations!

Remember, all 4-H'ers, keep us posted on your achievements - we love to share them with the Orange 4-H family!