Monday, April 11, 2011

Orange Farm Bureau Announces Scholarship Winners

Orange County Farm Bureau is pleased to announce that two “Taking Pride in Agriculture” scholarships will be awarded this year. Only one scholarship was planned, but in a field of outstanding applicants the top two came to a tie. The scholarship committee decided that rather than split the funds, full $1,000-scholarships will be awarded to both Coty Goodwin and William “Marty” Harris. Congratulations to both students and we wish them the best as they begin their studies at Virginia Tech.

This year's applicants for the 2011 “Taking Pride in Agriculture” scholarship were all superb students, making it a difficult process to narrow the list down. Thank you to all who applied.

The Orange County Farm Bureau scholarship is for high school seniors who have applied to a college or university with the intent of pursuing a degree in an agriculture related field. A committee judges the applicants using a 100-point system that awards 15 points for 4-H and Farm Bureau involvement, 10 points for extracurricular activities, 20 points for an essay and 35 points for scholastic ability (weighted  based on the difficulty of the student’s chosen course load). Finalists are invited for an interview with the scholarship committee which contributes the final 20 points to the score.

For more information about Orange Farm Bureau, call 540-672-3447.