Monday, January 2, 2012
Lakewood Animal Hospital Hosts Crazy Pets 4-H Club
Dr. Amy Olson and her staff at the Lakewood Animal Hospital in Locust Grove, Virginia, generously donated their valuable time after a full day of working to give an educational presentation and tour of their facility to the 4-H Crazy Pets Club of Unionville, Virginia. Most of the kids in our club had never taken a pet to the vet before so this was a new experience for many of them.
Dr. Olson spoke about heartworm prevention in dogs, and showed the kids what happens to a dog’s heart when it becomes infected with heartworms. Then she moved onto explaining the benefits of proper nutrition and diet in our pets and how obesity affects their joints just like ours. The kids were captivated by the joint demonstration, but nothing excited them more than to see a very special stuffed patient awaiting surgery. Hooked-up like any real pet, the kids experienced all the reality of pet surgery (without an actual live patient) - to the relief of the parents who also attended.
If you think it can’t get better it does! Dr. Olson and her Vet Assistant Britney took our kids into the x-ray room and showed them some really cool animal x-rays. They also demonstrated the safety precautions necessary for them while taking the x-rays. The kids were so fascinated the questions kept pouring out of them. I don’t think Dr. Olson stood a chance against these 4-H kids! Dental hygiene and blood tests were also discussed as part of the general overall health and wellness of pet care.
The tour ended with a very surprising and special homemade cookie offering by Dr. Olson’s staff. Then all the kids were each given a dog leash, pen, and magnet to take home. What a generous donation of time, effort, and educational enrichment we all received! Orange County is lucky to have such a contributing, and generous business member of this community. The 4-H Crazy Pets Club cannot thank them enough for such a wonderful and educational experience!