Monday, May 21, 2012

Dash for Trash Community Service Project Available June 16

On your mark, get set, Dash! 

Saturday, June 16, will feature the third annual downtown-Orange Dash for Trash clean-up. Clean-Up teams will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. at the Train Station on Short Street where participant teams and individuals can grab garbage bags and gloves and dash into downtown Orange to participate in a litter-collecting scavenger hunt called... the Dash for Trash!  Teams of litter pickers will scour the town for cigarette butts, used batteries, old hub caps and cans to rack up points. Each type of litter has a different value associated with it. The teams that show the most spirit, collect the most recyclables and accumulate the most points will win cash prizes of $150 for First Place, $100 for Second and $50 for Third. 

The Dash for Trash is an event that is co-sponsored by the Orange Downtown Alliance and the Orange County Litter Control Committee. Dash for Trash gives residents, families, clubs, businesses, and organizations the opportunity to help clean up downtown Orange while enjoying some friendly competition with other teams. It is a community spirit builder and is fun for all involved. Dash for Trash is aimed at preventing future littering through increased awareness of Orange County's anti-litter laws and by the good example the participants will set that day. Teams are required to register with ODA if they wish to participate. 

Registration will start at the Train Station at 8a. Teams will be released at 9a and have two hours to collect trash and then report back at the Train Station where the points will be counted. The cash prizes will be awarded to the winning teams that evening at the Trashy Ribs and Blues Festival at 6p.

For more information, contact Ron Rose at or Jeff Curtis at