Garden club members provided an abundance of flowers and greenery, from sunflowers to black-eyed susans to coneflowers and zebra grass.
Members learned the difference between dry and wet oasis before starting on arrangements. Mrs. Louise Whitaker was the lead instructor for this workshop.
Line design arrangements were first on the agenda. Here a participant makes a vertical line creation. There were so many beautiful gladioli, youth had trouble choosing just one!
Mrs. Kay Nix supervises a participant's diagonal line design.
Duo arrangements were next on the agenda. The tall foliage screen in the center of the container was a backdrop for two different smaller arrangements - one on each side of the screen.
A youth ponders her flower choices: yarrow, carnations, zinnias and so many more...
Stretch arrangements were the final assignment of the two-day workshop. Participants created two arrangements that were related, but not identical, to each other. They also had to be connected physically, usually by a vine, a twig, or other material.
The most popular flower chosen by participants were Asiatic and stargazer lilies. Workshop instructors marveled at the fact that participants nearly always chose large flowers over small, and pink or purple flowers over yellow.
Members learned the difference between dry and wet oasis before starting on arrangements. Mrs. Louise Whitaker was the lead instructor for this workshop.
Line design arrangements were first on the agenda. Here a participant makes a vertical line creation. There were so many beautiful gladioli, youth had trouble choosing just one!
Mrs. Kay Nix supervises a participant's diagonal line design.
Duo arrangements were next on the agenda. The tall foliage screen in the center of the container was a backdrop for two different smaller arrangements - one on each side of the screen.
A youth ponders her flower choices: yarrow, carnations, zinnias and so many more...
Stretch arrangements were the final assignment of the two-day workshop. Participants created two arrangements that were related, but not identical, to each other. They also had to be connected physically, usually by a vine, a twig, or other material.
The most popular flower chosen by participants were Asiatic and stargazer lilies. Workshop instructors marveled at the fact that participants nearly always chose large flowers over small, and pink or purple flowers over yellow.
4-H is grateful to the Rapid Ann Garden Club for their sponsorship and leadership of this workshop for our young people. To learn more about 4-H summer workshops being offered, please call 672-1361.