Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Four Orange 4-H'ers Inducted as Virginia 4-H All Stars

Congratulations to four of the newest members of the Virginia 4-H All Stars.  Being inducted into All Stars is the highest honor a Virginia 4-H member can receive.  Today, Delaney O'Donnell, Robert Nixon, Megan Harris and John Michael Knight achieved this recognition.

The ceremony was held at Virginia Tech in conjunction with the annual 4-H State Congress event.  Orange delegates for Congress include O'Donnell, Andrew Miller and Zach Swope.  Miller and Swope competed in state competitions in public speaking and presentations, respectively.

The All Stars inducted have all been involved in 4-H since they were young.  O'Donnell has achieved much in the 4-H horse project arena, from district shows all the way to national judging and public speaking events and the Arabian World Nationals event.  She mentors younger children in the Bit N' Bridle 4-H Club.  Harris is a Dairy Club member and officer, a 4-H camp counselor and has been a delegate to State 4-H Congress. She is hosting a Costa Rican 4-H delegate this summer and has given leadership to her club as one of the few teen members at this time.  Nixon is an accomplished livestock showman and judge who has competed in various local, district, state and national events.  He has won with the state cattle working team, is also a member of FFA and serves as his club's Treasurer.  Knight has been a 4-H member since Cloverbuds and has been a consistent volunteer for 4-H Ag Day, Farm Tour, the county fair, Achievement Night, and Stockman's Camp. He shows cattle at all levels, participates on the stockman's and judging and cattle working teams, and is Vice-President of the Livestock Club.

Congratulations to these young people! We are proud of you for representing Orange 4-H so well.  The All Stars' motto is Service, so we wish you well as you continue to contribute to 4-H for your remaining high school career and throughout adulthood.