Friday, December 6, 2013

4-H Day at the Capitol 2014

Mark your calendars: 4-H Day at the State Capitol will be Tuesday, February 11.  Even though this date is still 2 months away, there is already tons of planning that is going on for this event!
For those who are not familiar with this event, 4-Hers from across the state come together and meet at the state capitol in Richmond.  Last year, there were hundreds of members, parents, and volunteers who went and met with their state legislators.  Orange County 4-H will be attending again this year and we are looking for willing 4-Hers who would like to go as well!  We want youth who love 4-H and would be willing to tell your 4-H story- why you do 4-H, some of the lessons that you have learned, and those who want to get more out of the citizenship portion of 4-H.
We do recommend that youth that go on this trip be older junior members and senior members as it is long day with lots of walking.
This is an all day event- we will leave the extension office around 7:30 am and return around 4 pm. 

If you are interested in going, please contact Sarah or Kaci. 
2013 Orange 4-H Day at the Capitol Participants