Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Local Families are Needed to Host Japanese Exchange Youth for One Month this Summer

Local families are encouraged to consider opening their home to a Japanese 4-H Exchange youth this summer. Program dates are from July 21 to August 18, 2014. Exchange students do not need special treatment or fancy excursions! They just want to live with your family and experience your normal activities. Exchange students do chores when you do chores, they play when you play; it's a great experience and the memories will last forever!

The list below shows the candidates who hope to come to Virginia. The F or M denotes female or male, respectively, and the next number is the person's age. Host families must have a child of the same gender as the delegate, and within two years of age of the delegate.

#5 F 13 Likes shopping, running, physical exercise, making friends. Would like to jump in an unknown world, feel the size of the world, come into contact with a different culture. Will introduce Japanese culture and stories to my host. Communicate, be outgoing. Intermediate swimmer.

#6 F 13 Likes movies like Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter. Badminton, listening to music, calligraphy, playing piano. Wants to enjoy homestay, talk with host family in English, help host family at home (clean, cook). Hopes to go cycling, ride horse, play badminton and do calligraphy with my host. Intermediate swimmer.

#7 F 13 Likes to play basketball, paint pictures, read comics, listen to music, shopping. Likes animals and Poketmonster. Wants to learn different culture, teach Japanese culture and traditional games, origami, kendama, ayatori. Wants to play sport with host family and enjoy shopping, would like to try some water sports. Intermediate swimmer.

#8 F 13 Likes playing hip-hop dance, jogging, playing piano, watching American shows like Glee, camping, cycling, mountain climbing, picnic. Would like to be a member of host family, would like to know the culture of North Am. Willing to help host family. Show Japanese culture to host family. Beginner swimmer.

#9 F 13 Likes sports. Gymnastics. Through sports wants to deepen the exchange experience. Teach kendo, traditional sport of Japan, to host family. Intermediate swimmer.

#11 F 13 Likes anime, drawing pictures, playing wind instrument, clarinet (belongs to brass band). Wants to talk with host family. Beginner swimmer.

#12 F 13 Likes cooking, crafts, cycling, drawing, illustrating, camping, eating, shopping. Wants to speak with host family, share Japanese culture, learn to cook American dishes, cook Japanese food and cakes for host family. Beginner swimmer.

#13 F 14 Likes reading books and stories. Playing tennis. Wants to learn about Am. Culture. Go to museum and attractions. Introduce Japanese culture to host family. Beginner swimmer.

#16 F 14 Plays the flute, likes going to Disney Land, calligraphy, listening to music, member of orchestra, favorite book Harry Potter, likes watching baseball games. Wants to smile and talk positively with people in America, exchange our cultures. Can swim. Gets carsickness but takes medication for it.

#19 M 12 Likes outdoors, camping, fishing in the river, swimming. Wants to introduce and play karate with host family. Tell host family about Japanese culture in English. Intermediate swimmer.

#20 M 13 Likes movies esp. Harry Potter, play outside, bicycle, collects model trains. Wants to see American trains, do karate and calligraphy with host family. Be a member of family. Beginner swimmer.

#21 M 13 Likes reading, making plastic models, listening to classical music, crafts, play catch ball, shogi, watching baseball games. Snow ski. Interested in Am. Technology. Wants to learn about plane history in Am. Would like to go to museums and see the horizon. Advanced swimmer.

#23 M 13 Likes too play soft tennis, watch sport games. Wants to make fiends. Intermediate swimmer.

#24 M 13 Likes to play soccer, read books, watch TV and movies, play video games, go out with friends. Wants to make fiends, do his best to communicate with host and family, enjoy US culture. Intermediate swimmer. Cannot be with inside cats.

#25 M 13 Likes playing soccer and watching soccer games, listen to music, draw pictures. Wants to make a lot of friends, practice soccer with host and host siblings. Beginner swimmer.

#26 M 13 Likes tennis, painting pictures. Wants to experience life overseas, actively communicate. Intermediate swimmer.

#27 M 13 Likes watching and playing baseball, TV dramas and Japanese anime. Volleyball and playing games. Wants to make friends, introduce Japanese anime to host family in English. Talk to many people. Advanced swimmer.

#29 M 14 Likes practicing kendo, reading comic books, watching game shows, comedies, drama and movies. Wants to talk, play and do chores with host and be a member of host family. Wants to swim or play basketball or soccer with host family. Beginner swimmer.

#30 M 16 Likes lure fishing, reading comics, cycling, searching online, listening to music. Interested in fashion, challenging self in martial art. Wants to make many friends and spend a wonderful time with them. Learn foreign culture and teach Japanese culture. Intermediate swimmer. Allergic to rabbits.