Monday, June 30, 2014

We enjoyed a very smooth first day of camp. Dinner was a picnic with music, a pick-up game of football, and a dance party in front of the stage. 

Making new friends was a big part of our opening day!

The music was jammin' and so were these boys!

The flags were taken down by members of the Rattlesnake pack.

Then we learned some of the rules of camp.  Like walking everywhere. (Unless you are on the rec fields!) We walk so as not to disturb the eggs of the very rare Walk-Walk Bird that lives here at the Center. Our Great Bear, Templeton, demonstrated the graceful, beautiful walk of the Walk-Walk Bird! :)

Then it was on to the "ool" (notice there's no p in our ool, thank you!) for swim tests, a pool party, and a carnival. This is our 4-H version of a dunk tank.

It was a great night for a swim. Don't you wish you were here?

Two special guests showed up with a crystal ball. We're not sure, but we think they look like Romeo and Funsize.

And our campfire ceremony closed out the day. The packs did a great job of contributing to the spirit of camp and sharing about their day. The challenge issued at campfire was for each camper to make two new friends today. Let's hope they succeed!