Monday, February 23, 2015

Fauquier 4-H to Host FAMACHA Parasite Management Clinic for Youth and Adults

Fauquier County VCE will be having a FAMACHA Training Saturday, March 21 from 1 – 5 PM at the Fauquier County Fairgrounds.  This training will be open to youth age 9+ and adults. 

Participants in this workshop will be trained and certified in the FAMACHA system of parasite management, and at the conclusion of the workshop will receive a FAMACHA card and packet (attendance the entire time required to become FAMACHA certified).  Both classroom and hands-on instruction will be provided.  

The cost is $15. Cash or check payment will be accepted the day of the event. Checks should be made payable to Treasurer of VT. Registration is due by March 16.

Full information and a registration form can be found here: