Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Rockingham County Invites Local Youth to Market Animal Boot Camp and Beef Ambassador Contests

1.      Virginia Beef Industry Council and Rockingham County Extension are proud to bring you the 2015 Virginia Beef Ambassador Contest. 

a.      This year the contest will be held at the Junior Beef Roundup (Virginia Beef Expo) in Harrisonburg, VA on Saturday, April 18th starting at 1PM.  This contest is open to ALL interested youth ages 12-20. 

b.      Participants are not required to have a background in agriculture or own beef cattle.  The purpose of the project is to gain knowledge of the beef industry and to provide an opportunity for youth to educate consumers and other youth about beef nutrition, food safety, and stewardship practices of the beef industry.

c.       We greatly appreciate the support of this project and the Checkoff dollars from our Virginia Beef Producers.


2.      Market Animal Boot Camp 

a.      Date:  Saturday, May 2nd from 9AM-2PM (live auction starts at 2PM)

b.      Location:  Rockingham County Fairgrounds Barns

c.       Activities:  Family event to provide information and resources to youth interested in showing market animals

d.      Note:  First 300 to register receive a free t-shirt

e.      RSVP:  Call the Extension Office (564-3080)

f.        This year we are expanding to include pen sales and a live auction for lamb, hogs and goats. We are asking individuals buying to bring multiple checks if purchasing animals from more than one breeder

g.      We welcome business vendors and breeders