Save the Date for Horse Camp at Front Royal - August 9-13, 2015
Here's a little information but more details on cost and registration will come out in early April.
Here's a little information but more details on cost and registration will come out in early April.
Camp will be held at the Northern VA 4-H Center, 600 4-H Center Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630
Bring your own horse to the beautiful Northern Virginia 4-H Center and enjoy five days with your horse. This camp is for ANY level of riding experience ages 9-14. You don’t have to already be registered in 4-H to attend this camp.
Camp consists of:
- hands-on activities with your horse
- fun group lessons in Western and English riding instruction
- educational presentations
- games & horsemanship education
Camp price is TBD if registered as an “early bird” by June 1, 2015. Fee will include
- stabling in 44-stall historic cavalry barn
- swimming, canoeing, campfires
- meals and lodging included
Contact Cindy Puryear at cpuryear[at] for more information.