Friday, March 27, 2015

VSU Tour of Randolph Farm and Ag Center and College Campus

Thanks to 4-H Volunteer Resi Connell for setting up a tour at Virginia State University to tour the Randolph Farm and Ag Center as well as the college!  They will start with the farm tour, have lunch in the college cafeteria, then go on a tour of campus.
Tour Date: Monday, April 6 (During Spring break)
Time: Meet at Randolph Farm Center at 10AM
Cost: Tour is free, you should be able to purchase lunch for less than $7 or you can bring lunch.

Virginia State University is the other university associated with Virginia Cooperative Extension.  They have a large agriculture program focusing on smaller, specialty crops and niche markets (i.e. hot house/green house growing, goats, berries, aquaculture, etc.).

You must RSVP so that Resi can let the college know how many people will be attending.  RSVP with Resi by e-mail- resi[at] or join the Facebook event: