Thursday, April 23, 2015

4-H Congress- One Week Left to Register!

As a reminder, there is ONE WEEK left to register for 4-H State Congress June 15-18!  This is an AWESOME opportunity for senior 4-H members to meet other 4-Hers from around the state, participate in cool workshops, visit the individual colleges within the Virginia Tech system (business, engineering, agriculture and life sciences, veterinary college, etc.), live on a college campus for 4 days, listen to inspiring speakers, and more!  The cost to attend 4-H Congress is $200 and covers all meals while at Congress, lodging, activities, and a t-shirt.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Sarah at the Extension office ASAP!  Registration information can also be found on the document library in the "4-H Congress 2015" folder.