Submitted by 4-H Goat Club Members Amna Akram and Momin Ali
The Orange County 4-H Goat Club Cloverbud sponsored a field trip on Saturday, April 11, 2015, to the Wildlife Center of Virginia in Waynesboro. Many of the club members enjoyed learning more about wildlife.
The Wildlife Center of Virginia is a hospital for native wildlife, teaching the world to care about wildlife and environment. The development of the center from a horse barn to the wildlife center, which treats only native Virginian animals, was astonishing to know. They have treated more than 65,000 animals to date.
Their structure includes the veterinary clinic, diagnostics laboratory, operating suite, radiology room and administration rooms. Surrounding the building is the National Forest covering 360 acres of land area. We were given a special educational tour in which we saw a documentary on how an injured/sick animal or bird is brought to them and the further treatment given by the center.
Later on, one staff member took us for the site visit and we got to see different species of animals and birds. Some of them were still under treatment while some of them had life lasting injuries so they will not be moving out of Wildlife Center of Virginia.
It was a great tour! All the members who attended it got to learn more. It was a great experience.