We did find out that the Fair catalogs are being distributed in this week's Orange Review, so be sure to buy a copy of that and keep the insert! In addition to the complete schedule, the insert will also include entry information for arts and crafts, baked goods, garden and farm produce, etc. We know you 4-H'ers have great things to enter!!!
Fair Dates: July 22-25, 2015 (note the four-day schedule this year!)
Fair Theme: "Farm to Fair to Home" You may wish to use this for decorating stalls/pens and Cloverbud wagons.
4-H Schedule at the Fair:
Wednesday of Fair Week
Animals may arrive prior to fair’s scheduled opening time. Please, no arrivals while the fair is open to the public. This is for everyone’s safety.
Thursday of Fair Week
9:00 AM All animals must be on grounds.
Official ending weigh-in for market & feeder animals
11:00 AM Exhibitor Meeting (Show ring)
(or following weigh-in)
6:00 PM Pretty Animal Contest, sponsored and managed by the Dairy Club; open to all exhibitors with halter-led animals
7:00 PM 4-H Hog Show
Friday of Fair Week
4:00 PM 4-H Lamb & Market Goat Show
7:00 PM 4-H Beef Show
Saturday of Fair Week
8:30 AM 4-H Dairy Goat Show
9:00 AM Archery Club of Orange Target Face Tournament
10:00 AM 4-H Bottle Babies Show
10:30 AM Archery Club 3D Tournament
12:00 PM 4-H Dairy Show
4:00 PM 4-H Auction
Sunday of Fair Week
9:00 AM Fairgrounds Clean-up – plan to stay until it’s complete!