4-H Day at the Capitol is approaching quickly! This year, the event will be held on Tuesday, February 16, 2016. This is an AWESOME event for 4-Hers to attend as it provides opportunities for 4-Hers to learn more about state government, meet local legislators, and encourage civic engagement (that citizenship part of Character Counts!). Members will have the opportunity to meet with the local legislators in their offices; talk with them about what it is like to be a state lawmaker and the impact that they have on their local communities; explore the state capitol building; and be an overall fantastic ambassador for Orange County 4-H! We are at a great advantage for participating in this awesome event since we live so close to Richmond!
We have participated every year and the lawmakers always love to see us when we come visit. They are always impressed by the knowledge that the 4-Hers possess about the lawmaking process and everything that they have learned in 4-H. They will also tell you that one of the most important things that they have learned and have to use is parliamentary procedure!
This event is recommended for older junior and senior 4-H members as it is an early morning and then there is a lot of walking and waiting (sometimes we are in line to meet with the lawmakers as they normally have other meetings that they have to attend or constituents to meet with.) 4-Hers who attend this trip need to be prepared to share their 4-H story and come with questions and be ready to talk with the legislators. The legislators love to answer questions and hear what you have to say!
As in years past, 4-H members who have not attended State 4-H Day at the capitol in the past three years will be eligible to receive a 4-H vest that is to be worn that day. Due to having to have these vests ordered in time for the Capitol Day, if you have not attended before and would like to go the Extension Office must know if you are planning to attend no later than January 15. If you have attended before and would like to go again this year, you will need to let the Extension Office know by February 1st.