The addition of the 2015 SFVA Sale of Champions has provided the opportunity to offer additional scholarships to the 2015 Youth Livestock exhibitors. For the 2015 State Fair of Virginia, they are able to offer a total of $12,680 in additional scholarships. These scholarships will be broken out into Junior, Intermediate, and Senior divisions, and are open to only those exhibitors that participated in the 2015 State Fair of Virginia Youth Livestock shows.
In the document library, in the "State Fair Scholarship" folder, you will find more information as well as the applications . There are separate applications for each division, as well as two different file extensions for your use. Please make sure you use the correct form. The divisions are based on the division in which you participated in at the 2015 State Fair of Virginia Youth Livestock Shows. These applications can be typed or hand-written.
The SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS must be postmarked byJANUARY 15, 2016, to be considered.
The scholarship applications can also be found on the State Fair of Virginia website at If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Martin atgmartin[at] or 804/994-2858.