Wednesday, March 9, 2016

New Youth Events Planned at Junior Beef Roundup

In 2016, the Junior Beef Roundup, held in conjunction with the Virginia Beef Expo, will be featuring two new contests.


The first contest will be a state 4-H tractor driving contest to be held in conjunction with the State FFA Tractor Driving contest on Friday, April 15th at 2:30 PM. The State Tractor Driving Contest provides 4-H members the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of tractor maintenance, safety, and skill in operation. The contest consists of the following events: written examination; parts identification; operating a tractor with a two-wheel implement attached; and operating a tractor with a four-wheel implement attached.


The second will be the Virginia Beef Challenge. Using a mystery bag of ingredients, the Virginia Beef Challenge will encourage teams to prepare a dish in 40 minutes and present it to a judging panel.  Youth explain their preparation steps, serving size, food safety concerns, nutrition value.  Each team will be provided an equipment supply kit and will be provided the name of the key beef ingredient in advance.  Teams are challenged to be creative and develop their own recipe with the ingredients provided. The Virginia Beef Challenge will begin Friday, April 15th at 4:00 PM.


Since both contests are inaugural events, both contests are limited to the number of entries. The rules and contest information will be posted to the Junior Beef Roundup page on the Youth Livestock web site at: . Please get your entries in early to be eligible to compete.


Also, just as a reminder, entries are due next Tuesday, March 15th for both the Junior Beef Roundup Youth Beef Shows and the Youth Cattle Working Contests. Please get those entries in as soon as you can.