Thursday, December 1, 2016

Make it 3,057,102 members! Re-Enroll in 4HOnline Today

The rollover to the new 4-H year was completed in October and 4HOnline is now open for re-enrollment. Just to clarify, all youth members and volunteers become “inactive” after the rollover.
Here are some short-hand directions about how to re-enroll:
  • Login to your account on
  • Scroll to the bottom of your profile page and click on the “Enroll for 2016-2017” button
  • Once you have clicked here you can update information on your profile screen, complete authorization, update health information, and re-enroll into clubs, projects, and group
Remember in order to be eligible to exhibit your projects at the fair, enrollment must be completed by January 1, 2017. Also, this will allow us to better communicate with you through specific interest list serves. Our best advice, take care of it now!