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2019 Essay Topic: “Honey Varietals, State to State”
Each jar of honey reflects an unrepeatable combination of climate, soil, weather and
flowers. Each state has unique honey varietals that beekeepers can market to their
customers. Please identify one unique varietal to your state and discuss the flower’s
uniqueness and how beekeepers can effectively market that varietal. In your essay, please
include a photo of the varietal’s flower, an interview with a local beekeeper who collects
this varietal and a recipe that highlights the varietal. Personal interviews with beekeepers
and others familiar with the subject are valued sources of information and should be
documented. Sources, which are not cited in the endnotes, should be listed in a
“Resources” or “Bibliography” list.
Put on Your Thinking Cap!
An essential judging criterion is the scope of research you put forth in developing the
ideas behind your essay—accounting for 40% of your score. The number of sources
consulted, the authority of the sources and the variety of the sources are all evaluated.
Personal interviews with beekeepers and others familiar with the subject are valued
sources of information and should be documented.
Note that “honey bee” is properly spelled as two words, even though many otherwise
authoritative references spell it as one word.