A quick, but very important, reminder that the FINAL three opportunities for nominating cattle, sheep, and goats for the 2019 State Fair of Virginia happen THIS WEEK.
There are two nomination sites today: *** One in Chatham and one in Berryville*** The final site is Thursday in Weyers Cave.
All Market Beef (Steers and Heifers), Commercial/crossbred breeding heifers, market lambs, commercial ewes, market goats, and commercial does MUST attend a nomination site. Prospect Steers and heifers are not required to be nominated, but MUST weigh less than 1000 pounds at SFVA check-in in October.
Registered cattle, sheep, or goats being shown as such do not have to be nominated.
Do NOT miss these last opportunities if you plan to show at this year’s SFVA Youth Livestock Shows.
These nomination sites are for the animal. If you have not completed YQCA training for the exhibitor, the list of available sites is at https://ext.vt.edu/4h-youth/youth-livestock/yqca.html.