Bristol Show Beef Skill-a-thon
We are excited to share more details about the opportunity for you to participate in this year’s Beef Skill-a-thon educational contest.
The 2020 skill-a-thon is in the form of an online survey.
There are specific links for your skill-a-thon division based on your current age.
You should only participate in the division for your current age and only complete the survey/quiz one time per participant.
- Junior (Ages 9 - 11)
- Intermediate (Ages 12-14)
- Senior (Ages 15-19)
The first screen will ask for your Name, County, Age, and an email (for sharing results). By entering your name you agree to do your own work without any help from other sources (i.e. parents, friends, internet, etc.)
Note that there will be a time limit on each page. In general, the time limits per question are:
- Junior (40 seconds)
- Intermediate (35 seconds)
- Senior (30 seconds)
A page timer near the top-center of the page will indicate the time remaining. When the time expires you will automatically be moved to the next question screen. You may also move to the next question by clicking on the blue Next button at the bottom of your screen after selecting your answer.
The selected answer when time expires or you click Next will be recorded as your response.
Note that you may not go back to a previous question.
Each skill-a-thon division consists of 50 questions worth 1 point each for a total of 50 possible points.
Each division has question types for that specific age group and may consist of multiple choice, free text (fill in the blank), or other methods of evaluation. The top three participants in each division will be recognized in an online awards presentation tentatively planned for the evening of May 18.
The beef skill-a-thon will close at 5:00 pm (Eastern Time) on Friday, May 8th.
If you have questions please contact:
Lauren McCroskey at
Walter Malone at