Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Moving In A Winter 'Fun'derland! December 14-24, 2021

Join us in a 10-Day Festive physical activity challenge for Youth and Adults December 14-24th
Here are some modifications for the Adult Physical Activity Challenge  
Day 1- Standing or seated abdominal crunches.
Day 2- If lifting your leg is not quite an option, leave your toes/ball of your foot on the floor and place your heel on the opposite foot/ankle.
Day 3- Don't use hand weights. And its okay if you cannot lower the knee that far.
Day 4- Push ups at the wall or with hands on a stable table/desk.
Day-5 Sit in a chair and then stand up.
Day 6- March in place, either standing or seated.
Day 7- Plank at the stairs or a sturdy coffee table.
Day 8- Abdominal crunches seated or standing.
Day 9- Lower impact means one foot is always on the ground.
Day 10- Try walking at the indoor pool (kinder to the joints).