#whyeggsrgr8! Poster Contest
For Ages 9-12 year-old Virginia
4-H and FFA Members
The Purpose: To showcase how great Virginia’s farmers are! (They are dedicated to providing consumers with the best quality food while taking good care of their animals and the environment).To showcase how great eggs are! (Eggs are nutritious, delicious, convenient,
easy, affordable, satisfying & fun!).
What to Do: Design a poster with the headline #whyeggsrgr8! and go from there. You can cut and paste pictures from magazines, use old photos, magic markers, colored paper, paint or do it all digitally – you pick the medium (but not video, please).
The Message Should Be: Either: How great eggs are (and why) OR Why farmers are such ‘good eggs’ (and why) OR Combine the two messages.
Get Ideas From: Egg Readers have a ton of information about the production and goodness of eggs.
Ask your 4-H or FFA leader for an Egg Reader OR go to:
VA Egg Co.—look under https://www.virginiaeggcouncil.org/educators.cfm#edu
VA Poultry Fed.—look under https://www.vapoultry.com/resources/links.cfm#edu
For more Grade A information, go to https://www.incredibleegg.org/professionals/k-12-schools/eggs-in-the-classroom/
Size: The finished size is up to you, but please make it at least 8.5x11”. Vertical or horizontal layout is up to you.
When it’s done: Take a good, clear picture of it with a phone, filling the space in your phone’s camera entirely, then, with your parent’s or your 4-H or FFA leader’s help, send it on to Amy@vapoultry.org. Make sure to include your name, your 4-H club or FFA club and 4-H lor FFA leader’s name with your photo.
When to send it: Start sending as soon as possible, from Feb. 28th and thru March 25th.
What we’ll do with the posters: Since March is Nutrition Month, it’s the perfect time to post them
on the Virginia Egg Council’s and the Virginia Poultry Federation’s Facebook pages. We will show all the posters that come in, THEN a team of judges will choose their favorites for some nice prizes.
What you’ll get: Each person submitting a poster will be sent a small gift, thru your 4-H or FFA club. Clubs with submissions will get an Amazon Gift Card that can be used by their club for whatever they agree to use it on.
Top Posters: Will be duplicated, enlarged, printed and displayed at the VA Poultry Industry Center at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds for all to see.
**Awards for the top posters will be given at the VA Poultry Federation’s 4-H Day this year.
By sending us a digital photo of your poster, you are allowing the VA Egg Council to use it in our promotional efforts