Orange 4-H will be sponsoring a trip to the Virginia State Capitol for 4-H Day at the Capitol on February 7th. We will be visiting our State Delegate, Ed Scott, as well as our newly elected state Senator, Bryce Reeves. We will also be taking a tour through the state capitol that afternoon.
This is a great opportunity for you to be able to meet and interact with our state legislators, understand more about how our legislative system works, and an excellent opportunity for you to be able to explain to them how 4-H has been a benefit to you. This is a day when 4-Hers from across the state all come to Richmond to meet with their legislators to learn more about the governmental process, and to talk about 4-H.
We will not be taking a bus again this year, so there are a limited number of people who will be able to go on the trip (20 max for both Orange and Madison together.) We won’t be charging anything for you to go, but you will need to bring money to pay for lunch. You will need to dress up, and be on your best behavior while we are on the trip! Remember, if you go, you are representing all of Orange County, and we want to make a good impression! We will be leaving around 7:30 that morning, and returning before 6 that evening. We will have more specific details as the day gets closer. If you are interested in going, please let the extension office know so that we can get you signed up!