We are thrilled to have Sarah Weaver on board as our 4-H Program Educator! Please make time to stop by the office and welcome Sarah, find her at an upcoming 4-H event or introduce yourself when she visits each club during a meeting.
Sarah is a longtime 4-H member who showed hogs, judged livestock and competed on the cattle working team. She attended Virginia Tech, where she coordinated the Youth Swine Day for Virginia 4-H & FFA, participated on the collegiate judging team, and served as an Extension Summer Intern in the Madison County Extension Office. Sarah operates a pick-your-own pumpkin patch on the family farm each fall and has previously served as a 4-H volunteer.
She's off to a great start, having already made Valentine's with the True Blue Cloverbuds for their service project, hosted a stockman's practice, planned our participation in 4-H Day at the State Capitol and met with key TACO (Therapeutic Adventure Camp of Orange) volunteers. Sarah's e-mail will be seweaver [@] vt.edu. Welcome, Sarah!