Virginia 4-H will be hosting inbound teen delegates from
Argentina, Costa Rica, Japan, and Norway for a month this summer, and we need
lots of host families. Host families must have a teen between the ages of
15 and 19 of the same sex and within a year or two of the age of the
delegate hosted. Virginia will be hosting the entire group coming from
Costa Rica, which will also include at least one chaperone. You don't need to be involved in 4-H to host a student, just have a willingness to share your lives!
Host family applications are due to me (Dottie Nelson) ON OR BEFORE MARCH
1. I can receive them by email, regular mail or fax.
The hosting
dates are:
Costa Ricans: July 9 to August 4
Norwegians: July 2 to July 27
Argentinians: July 9 to August 7
Japanese: third week to July to third week
of August (dates not yet confirmed)
Please contact the Orange Extension Office for the fliers and applications, or for more specific information please contact:
Dottie Nelson
Virginia 4-H Exchange Coordinator
phone: 276-617-1065
e-mail: dottieifye[@]