Monday, July 25, 2016

Seniors of 4-H: Baylee Rollins

Baylee Rollins

Ever since she was old enough to be in 4-H, Baylee Rollins has been an active 4-H member. Growing up in Orange County, Rollins's parents put her in 4-H as a Cloverbud, which proved to be a life-changing experience. "4-H has not only helped shape me into the person I am today, but it has taught me the true meaning of responsibility," Rollins said. Over the years, Rollins has had the opportunity to participate in  4-H Livestock Club, 4-H Home-Ec Club and has volunteered or participated at TACO Camp, 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp, 4-H Camp, 4-H Chopped Food Challenge, Capital Day and Citizenship Washington Focus.

This summer Rollins was tapped into the 4-H All-Stars, which is the highest honor a 4-H member can receive, and is also regarded as her biggest accomplishment through 4-H. "It has been a goal of mine for many years and achieving it meant a lot, being that my mother, my sister, and I were the first ones in our family to receive this award," she said.

Throughout all of the activities and memories that Baylee has acquired throughout the years, her favorite memory was from this past summer at 4-H Congress, where she took the Cow Reproduction Class. During the class she learned how to artificially inseminate a cow and find its cervix through  the cow's rectal tract.

"4-H has taught me to be a leader and to stand up for what is right, even if it's not what everyone else is doing," Rollins said.

Rollins will be attending Germanna Community College where she will continue to to pursue her dreams of becoming a Registered Nurse and then transfer to the University of Virginia where she will obtain her Bachelors in Science of Nursing (BSN).

Congratulations Baylee and good luck with nursing school!