Monday, September 19, 2016

Guest Blog Post by Eryn Connell: 4-H All Star Workshop Sumary

by Eryn Connell, Goat Club and Natural Horse Addicts Club member

Last Thursday, Kaci held a workshop for anyone who was thinking about applying to become an [4-H] All Star. Six seniors, including me, attended. When I heard about this workshop, I didn't think I'd get much from it. I was wrong. Apparently, the form is a bit more complicated than it seems. Kaci went over the basics and gave us relatable examples. She covered what to put where and how to word it so that they have enough information. She also told us how, as it goes through the County, District, and State Committees they can move things around to where they think it should be, or even delete them.

Kaci also explained how the point system works and what our District is. I have to say it was truly helpful in understanding the entire nomination process. I believe anyone who is thinking about trying to become an All Star Nominee, no matter if you're eligible yet, should come to the next workshop. It was very enlightening and I feel that if you are interested in attending this in the future to start thinking about all that you've done in 4-H from the time that you started. I would also love to thank Kaci & the Extension Office for holding the All Star Workshop.

Editor's Note: Thank you, Eryn, for this write up! Any and all 4-H members and volunteers are welcome to create blog posts at any time. Use this opportunity to share what's happening in your club or in any part of your 4-H involvement.